Membership Benefits
Participation in the local artist community
Events that bring artists together
Public events that promote local artists
Information Exchange
Opportunities to get involved
and more…
NAWA Florida Chapter Membership is $30.
Only NAWA members that have been juried in and accepted as a member of the New York office and their annual dues are up to date are eligible to join the Florida Chapter Membership. Therefore, NAWA New York membership dues are paid first and then the NAWA Florida Chapter second. Go to NAWA New York website at: to complete that payment process. Once the New York office dues are paid, you can go to the Membership Dues link below to pay the NAWA Florida Chapter.
Our fiscal year is November 1 through October 31. If you are juried into the National organization in the Spring, your membership will be valid until October 31, of the following year.
Contact our Membership Chair, Judy Kirtley if you have any questions.
Get Involved with the NAWA Florida Chapter! We have committees for you to participate in, thus making this your organization. Consider your interests and talents and JOIN A COMMITTEE that best fits your time and what you enjoy doing.